Wednesday, June 1, 2011


I am the worst, I know. Whatevah! I just watch Top Model instead of caring.

Today this one is at the vet!

She pretends to be adorable but this is her 100 percent of the time:

She is lucky I love her and don't want her pregnant because I had to get up so damn early.

Things that have happened since forever ago:

It was Jeremy's birthday, and I made him some mini cupcakes (as well as a four(!) tier sponge cake! but it kind of sucked so whatever).

It was also Lyndon's birthday and I gave him a print by a dude named Alejo Giraldo. (I think it was pretty rad but whatever). There was also stamps involved in the wrapping process. Do you need a whole bunch of presents wrapped really awesomely? Do you want to hire me? I live for this shit. Seriously.

I also bought this for myself:

It is pretty exciting, and huge. It should arrive any day now which is good but also it is so big that it is impossible to find frames to fit it/the only frames I could find are only like an inch or something bigger than the picture itself and cost about the same as the print was/bummerrrrr.

I also made a flickr. I would probably expect it to be updated about as often as this blog ie never.

Although it may seem like my life is very exciting (i know you are jealous do not lie) in truth I have mainly just been avoiding doing assignments (could this not be said for LIFE my friends? deep)

If you want you could go read this other (better) blog over here? It is called Design Love Fest and I only saw it this morning but whatever.

It is ten AM and I feel as if I have accomplished so much.

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