Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Projects... I hope

So I've been slowly getting through redecorating my bedroom a bit and decorating the room I gained for a study a few months ago...

But lately I've been trying to convince my parents they (I) should redecorate the rear living room. I don't think this room has changed since we had it built when I was 4. It has the same buttery yellow walls (with a jungle/pine green feature wall), same navy blue curtains and pretty much exact same furniture formation.

Now some of this remains the same by necessity, because of the back doorway, laundry entrance, kitchen doorway and entrance into my study... but I think it's time for something different.

Slowly, I've been suggesting (read: insisting) ideas... the first being:

Painting the main walls either grey, like Erin from Design Crisis' home -

Or a creamy white, kind of like this..?

I was set on a kind of slatey, charcoaly navy colour for the feature wall (we have a massive set of pigeonholes there that totes aren't moving, my parents are even convinced they are going to paint around them they're such an effort to move, so I don't want to paint anything that will clash with the dark chocolatey wood) (Don't even ask me what kind of wood, I know nothing of these things. All I can say is that my office smells of rich mahogany).

But now I am also thinking perhaps of a delightful wallpaper? Something like this Oh Joy wallpaper?

some kind of white couch. Initially I spied a few kind of high armed couches that would look damn fine, but of course moo-ma needs somewhere to lie down and do her cryptic crosswords, and moo-pa needs somewhere to lie down and read his book of Annie Proulx/Garrison Keillor short stories. Then napping will take place. So obviously a lower and cushioned arm would be more suitable, and at least a 3-seater... perhaps something like THIS:

Image found here.

Or this..

Image found here.

Then there will be some white curtains... like this:

Via Hashai (one of my long-time favourites).

Then there'll be some ikat action..along the lines of this:

And maybe some kind of darkly upholstered bergere chair...

But not with a matching footstool. Most of this stuff goes better with a blue wall than the wallpaper... but they are at separate ends of the room so you could get away with a lot I think.

Anywho my eye is twitching now from excessive googling so I'm going to sleep!

Ps is this not the most stupid shit you've ever seen:

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